Caff Life
v4. This Shortcut requires iOS/iPadOS 16 or greater.
Log Caffeine Intake and Monitor Blood Caffeine Levels Over Time
Caff Life is a simple, customizable Shortcut for logging your caffeine intake to the Apple Health app on your iPhone. It uses these log entries to estimate the level of caffeine in your bloodstream over time.
Why Caff Life?
Because caffeine has a half-life in your bloodstream. This means that if you drink a cup of coffee containing 100 mg of caffeine, five to six hours later, you have 50 mg in your system. After another five to six hours, you have half this amount again, or about 25 mg. This means that 15–18 hours after drinking a cup of coffee, you still have about 12.5 mg of caffeine in your bloodstream.
Caff Life uses this formula to perform a rolling calculation of your caffeine levels over time, which can help you understand what consumption patterns work best for you.
Change Log
To check which version you have, choose About & Updates.
To update, delete both Caff Life (and CL Calc if you have it) then download the latest version here. All your settings and logged drinks will be preserved.
1.0 Released
1.1 Name changed to Caff Life.
1.2 Fixed a bug with CL Calc introduced with the name change.
1.3 Fixed a bug where using the suggested time would fail and use noon instead.
2.0 is a major update for iOS 13/iPadOS
Graphical menus with light/dark mode icons
Support for caffeine supplements
Bug fixes and improvements!
2.5 Fixed a bug with the caffeine calculation in CL Calc.
4.1 After a few Prolost Beta exclusive releases, we skipped to version 4! Complete refresh for iOS/iPadOS 16/17.